John has been a terrific help to me over the past year! Not only has he coached me through putting systems and procedures in place for my staff but he's taken the time to get to know my businesses and offer relevant suggestions that will allow us to scale and push forward into a truly global company. Thanks to John and his wealth of knowledge and experience, we are excited to move forward knowing we have robust systems in place. I'd highly recommend John!
Janice Minihan Director at Property Deal Store, Phixius Property Training and Minihan Group
John has helped me enormously over the past 6 months by systemising and organising my business. With John’s help I have made significant improvements to several areas of my work environment;
By physically rearranging my workspace so that files, printer and paperwork are easily accessible, my office flows more efficiently.
I have created more structure in my week by dedicating specific days to certain tasks ensuring consistency and routine.
John and I touch base on a weekly basis which keeps me accountable for the previous week and helps set tasks and priorities for the week to come. We have created a system that allows me to prioritise tasks for the following week, I am able to allocate and prioritise specific areas of my business, give them a time slot to facilitate the work. This is paramount to the business moving forward effectively, ensuring I do not lose track of potential clients, plus old and new business.
When I heard about ‘systems’ I knew it was something I needed for my business to grow but thought it was all about digital systems. I was wrong. It is about planning, due diligence, quality control, recording the process, correlating data and so much more.
John is an excellent guide and educator; if you are fortunate enough to work with him, you will agree. His great talent of listening and observing your current situation, assessing your needs regarding systemisation is worth investing in. He will help you turn your business into a well-oiled machine.
If you do nothing else, and you are into property, get a copy of John’s book ‘Right First Time Property Investing’ from Amazon you will get your money’s worth with an easy read and top tips.
I am confident that whatever your business, John Foster will help you create a better system that will make and save you money and time. You will wonder how you ever managed before!
K Southall, Director of KAO Properties
I love it that John takes away the biggest pain many entrepreneurs face - that of creating business systems that really work. Systems that allow you to work on your business, rather than in it, so you can concentrate on the most important tasks for all business owners - such as selling and marketing your products and services. I highly recommend you engage with John if you want to free up your time to focus on what really matters. And in doing so you will also see your business thrive.
Jane Bayler, Founder of The Smart Connector
The term expert is often used much too often nowadays. It seems that all you have to do is have completed a course in something put it on your social media profile and you now have the right to call yourself an expert. But this is not the case with John Foster. John Foster is an expert in his field the calibre of which I have rarely met. He has a long and successful career in quality control, systems & systemization, process and change management, as well as customer satisfaction and training to draw from. He is serious at work but also a lot of fun with a great sense of humour and an amiable personality which makes him a pleasure to work with. I cannot recommend John Foster enough as his knowledge and ease to work with is in itself a guarantee of a great return on your investment however big or small the project you employ him to do
Felix Joseph, Director of Property Under One Roof Ltd
John is a true expert in systems and processes. His knowledge is unrivalled and he’s demonstrated his experience across multiple sectors. If you need help in this area he’s your guy!
Hayley Meakes (Grigor), Director of Gain Momentum Marketing
Anyone who manages a business should engage with John. He understands what processes you need for success. His breadth of knowledge is amazing. Don’t hesitate to contact him to see how he can help you.
Caroline Weaver, Director of Oxygen Marketing
I have known John for many years. A straight thinker and speaker, theory and practice go together where John Foster is concerned. If a company needs help with systems or assistance in facilitating change I cannot endorse anyone higher than John.
Nigel Lannigan MCMI, Head of Operations R&G Precision Engineering
John is a professional and skilled individual who is able to leverage his varied skills effectively to look beyond the noise and determine root cause. This insight makes it a pleasure to work with John, as he undertakes this approach without directing blame at the individual but highlights the weaknesses in the process and supports those involved to develop and implement a solution. Having worked with John in the safety-critical aerospace industry, I have found his approach and his ability to share knowledge to be a great support to both individuals and the business.
Troy Batters Test Engineer Manager UTC Aerospace
A light at the end of the tunnel!
I struggled for many years growing my business, I would have many victories but was held back by the something (my lack of systems and structure) I was so caught up in what I was doing I didn’t realise that no one in my team knew what process or system to follow. They were brilliant at their jobs but there was a distinct lack of process and consistency so results would be inconsistent. Each person did the job as best they could with no structure, no targets, no order, no quality control and no procedures. As the business grew this became more of a problem. John came in and looked at what we were doing and spent a couple of days with the team and I. Restructuring and reorganising. We learned so much from John and are still following his instructions and systems. He saved my company time, money, my staff undue stress and most importantly to me, gave us consistency. He gave me the tools to be able to grow without burning out or becoming overwhelmed with workloads. My workload has decreased and the business has grown and is continuing to do so. Time and money well spent, I could not recommend this man highly enough
Tina Etherington, Director at E&M Property Solutions Ltd - Director at TEC North West Ltd
John has exceptional insight, business acumen and professional experience to provide a fantastic platform to businesses and clients alike. I would highly recommend him to assist any large or small SME to build systems that increase efficiency and effectiveness creating greater value.
Errol Givans, BSI (British Standard Institute) Client Manager
John has the skillset and knowledge to spear-head business work-flow and streamlines processes, which yield a consistent result. His approach to every issue is warming and manages to highlight certain deficiencies or faults without pointing error to individuals. His methodology is not only rejuvenating for a business but also positive for morale.
Arman Kizir Co-founder of Lumafilm
John has really helped put the vital systems in place in my business. He knows his stuff inside and out. He has worked with some global companies and has helped bring that level of expertise to my business. He is friendly and professional to get on with and helps bring people on board with implementing the new system so they can understand the reasons why we needed the new system and how it is going to make their jobs easier in the long run.
Paul Bramley, British Polygraph Testing
We all know that any business - whether large or small - needs a good system and process for it to operate smoothly. In reality, many business owners are too busy getting the goods out of the door; serving as many customers as possible; making purchases as cheaply and less often as possible to process orders as fast as possible... But without realising whether we are doing so in the most efficient way. Many business owners work "in" the business very deep, and not "on" the business.
John from The Business Systems People excels in identifying how the business is doing, what it is trying to achieve, and what waste and losses the business is making (without us owners realising!). His suggested changes and improvements can give us so much insight into our own businesses and allowing us to get back into what we should really be doing on the business.
Working with John is such an investment (visibly or invisibly) to our business that you can't afford not to have! He is very professional and level-headed, knowledgeable person and fun to work with.
Yoko Warburton, Director Olliee's Nest Limited, Finance Director at Nichirin (UK) Ltd
I have been working directly with John for the last 6 months. He is professional, helpful, extremely knowledgeable and always looking to assist others.
We run a Business Group together, in this group he is The Business Systems go-to expert.
John is very humble when it comes to letting others know really how much experience & expertise he has accrued over his career.
He is also a published author.
John and I get on very well, with our aligned sense of humour (because business should be fun too). He is great to work with, listening, understanding and helping to implement those all-important business systems.
I can absolutely recommend reaching out and having a chat with John if you need help in this or any other business-related area.
Andrew Batt Director Business Driven Ltd, Director Silver Property Solutions Ltd
"John from the TBSP is one of the world's leading authorities on how to implement simple Quality and Continuous Improvement systems that will guarantee to make your business more efficient, fun and money"
Stuart Bevins The Entrepreneurs Circle
​John Foster is a visionary leader in operational excellence, turning complex business challenges into growth opportunities. With expertise across industries, he shares outstanding content on LinkedIn based on his journey, with hands-on examples and cases, making him an invaluable partner for sustainable success.
Luiz Carlos de Oliveira Junior, Director of Strategy and Continuous Improvement, WHY Consultoria